Naruto and the Siberian Dreamland, [One-Shot] Open Season, and [One-Shot] Matt in the X
Two new short stories. As usual, with Naruto/Boruto theme and aviation/modern warfare mix in a style of illustrated short story. These stories I made linked up with the past short stories I've been made since the first "Kumpulan Cerpen" release . I've been holding this back for quite a while for the Open Season one-shot story to finish while I still try to figure out what am I gonna do with the unfinished "Naruto and the Siberian Dreamland" story. In short, I decided to use the parts from the first "Kumpulan Cerpen" release and tell the story about it, about Juan's right-hand man. Naruto and the Siberian Dreamland This story tells about Naruto's past from the first "Kumpulan Cerpen" release where there was something happened before US and Japan got into close ties with Russia to put a stop to a coup d'état that'll happen sooner or later in Russian homeland. How he temporarily joined the police force, how he interacted w...